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An overview of successful customer projects

For more than 30 years, we have been supporting companies and public institutions from a wide range of sectors – from the energy industry to healthcare and the service sector. Our knowledge of the specific challenges of each industry and the individual needs of our customers make us a reliable, competent and experienced partner at their side. This is something we are proud of.

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ZEABORN is an internationally active Ship Manager with offices in Asia and Europe. The company employs around 3,800 staff ashore and at sea.
Logo Goldhofer AG
Goldhofer was looking for an IT solution to meet the increasing regulatory requirements for transparent and complete documentation with regard to tax-relevant information. At the same time, the company was looking to simplify work processes, make business processes more transparent, and improve quality management.
Logo Gebr. Pfeiffer
Thanks to an interface to the existing ERP system (proALPHA), it was possible to implement a seamless workflow in the ECM system. In addition, the old digital drawing archive was replaced.
Logo Kesseboehmer
The company introduced OPTIMAL SYSTEMS software to speed up data access and to optimize work processes. The manufacturing company with 1,750 employees has a very high number of ERP workstations, which is why the interaction of ERP and ECM is very important.
Häcker Logo
The company was looking for a highly comprehensive system that could meet their complex requirements without fail. The ECM software from OPTIMAL SYSTEMS was able to meet these requirements and convinced Häcker Küchen as a new solution.
In 2013, the company replaced the existing isolated DMS solution of the purchasing department with a company-wide ECM system based on the solution from OPTIMAL SYSTEMS.
Digitalisation makes office life easier. TEKAEF Büroleben has already caught this trend at an early stage and put the processing of mail and invoices on a new basis: with the ECM software from OPTIMAL SYSTEMS.
Logo Kindernothilfe
Because Kindernothilfe operates internationally, it does not just need a tool for storing and filing documents. Knowledge must be accessible and divisible in a simple form from anywhere.
Logo Charité Berlin.
The Institute of Forensic Medicine at the Charité uses the forensic laboratory information management system of OPTIMAL SYSTEMS and replaces several individual IT solutions that were previously used for the digital information management of the forensic laboratory.
Logo Asta Aschaffenburg
The ECM suite by OPTIMAL SYSTEMS ensures the optimization of all document-related processes at Aschaffenburger Versorgungs-GmbH.
Sit Logo
With the introduction of enaio®, Südwestfalen IT has a central basic system to advance the digitalisation of administrative processes and e-government.
Hugo Stinnes Logo
Working with paper documents resulted in major disadvantages, such as multiple filing, cumbersome searches, or time-consuming archiving. For these reasons, HSS was looking for a solution to make document handling more effective in order to save time and money.
Logo Zeppelin
Ever since Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH introduced digital records, the archive has been getting emptier by the day: Four kilometers worth of files have been scanned and disposed of, and Zeppelin benefits from the versatility of the enaio® enterprise content management software from OPTIMAL SYSTEMS.
Due to steady growth in recent years, the requirements for a central information management have changed, prompting the company to introduce the enaio® ECM software across the company. The optimization of HR management was one of the key goals of this digitization project.
To minimize the associated effort by digitally mapping the associated business processes, GIFAS-ELECTRIC introduced ECM technology from OPTIMAL SYSTEMS. The solution introduced efficient and secure workflows for various tasks, such as invoice management.
Schnellecke Logo
The core project goal is to implement transparent processes through SAP-integration, Microsoft-integration and our digital business partner record.
enaio® helps AS DNB Banka decide, control, and process mortgage loans more quickly and effectively.
ADAC logo
The ADAC is planning to implement a central and flexible enterprise content management solution across all associations over the long term in order to create uniform organizational structures irrespective of the federal structure of the association.
Bayernhafen GmbH & Co. KG Logo
The Bayernhafen Group uses enaio® for invoice processing and contract management. The system is connected to Microsoft Dynamics.
alstria Logo
alstria office REIT-AG relies on enaio® to ensure audit-proof archiving of business-relevant documents.
Deutsche Bauarchiv GmbH Logo
Thanks to digital construction records based on enaio®, all information on customers and their projects can be managed and quickly accessed in a single system.
Investitions- und Marketinggesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt mbH Logo
IMG uses digital archiving and document management with enaio®. The goal is to further increase the efficiency of the acquisition process and project management as well as to expand the possibilities for project controlling.
The aim of the project was to improve work processes and make them more flexible. Another goal was for branch offices to gain anytime access to customer files in order to ensure that employees can always act on and provide up-to-date information.
ViDia Christliche Kliniken Karlsruhe Logo
After introducing the enaio® ECM system, the hospital can now bundle data from various sources in electronic records and archive them digitally in an audit-proof manner. enaio® introduced a hospital-wide information platform, greatly improved transparency, and provides an overview of all data and documents.
A Dominikus-Ringeisen-Werk symbol on a black background.
The ECM system from OPTIMAL SYSTEMS supports the user during document processing with the capture, research, administration, distribution, checking, release and filing of documents.
Logo VZB
In order to completely convert its existing document management and working procedures to digital processes, the VZB deployed OPTIMAL SYSTEMS’ ECM software in 2013 and has been slowly integrating the system into its administrative processes.
Logo Herz- und Kreislaufzentrum Rotenburg a. d. Fulda
Electronic patient files for holistic treatment.
Medac Logo
In order to better meet regulatory requirements and different market demands, the company introduced the enterprise content management system from OPTIMAL SYSTEMS several years ago. Paper-based processes have been mapped to a single IT system.
Logo Kreiskrankenhaus Demmin
enaio® is used in nearly half of all workstations in the network. The result is a network in which 330,000 pages of documentation are captured and stored in the correct parts of patient files each year.
Logo Krankenhaus St. Elisabeth & St. Barbara
The ECM suite from OPTIMAL SYSTEMS contains all the important functiona­lities for the security of medical and management documents and data and offers audit-proof archiving for the legally specified time periods.
Logo Krankenhaus Maria-Hilf
Overall, the processes run faster with the software by OPTIMAL SYSTEMS, costs have been eliminated or reduced.
Logo Wilhelmstift Katholisches Kinderkrankenhaus
In order to ensure efficient data management, Katholische Kinderkrankenhaus Wilhelmstift GmbH decided to introduce a modern archiving solution. After an in-depth review of solutions from various providers, Katholische Kinderkrankenhaus Wilhelmstift GmbH opted for the enaio® enterprise content management software from OPTIMAL SYSTEMS.
Logo Harzklinikum Dorothea Christiane Erxleben
Faced with a steadily increasing documentation and administrative effort exacerbated by insufficient space and personnel, Harzklinikum Dorothea Christiane Erxleben decided to introduce a company-wide enterprise content management (ECM) system back in 1998. Since then, the OPTIMAL SYSTEMS software has been in use.
Allergopharma Logo
The company-wide ECM system of ALLERGOPHARMA, a company active in the regulated pharmaceutical environment, must meet a wide range of demanding requirements with regard to electronic archiving.
Logo Traunmed
The Traunmed Sport- & Rehazentrum GmbH & Co. KG relies on ECM for the introduction of a digital patient file.
Mathias Stiftung Partnerlogo
With a successful IT infrastructure, the hospital is a pioneer in terms of digitization and is well on the way to "Hospital 4.0".
The digital dictation tool, combined with electronic speech recognition in the enaio® solution for rehabilitation clinics, has proven particularly useful for the Münsterland Clinic in Bad Rothenfelde as it helps to save a lot of time.
In order to meet all the challenges associated with the nationwide social insurance program, BMW BKK launched the ‘paperless office’ project.
Partnerlogo UKSH
enaio® is being used in clinical departments such as surgery, psychiatry, or pediatrics, among many others. The ECM software was also introduced in administration. The HR department is soon to benefit from the advantages of digital personnel records because all processes related to personnel management will be consistently implemented as digital workflows.
Logo Star Energiewerke
star.Energiewerke (Rastatt) relies on digital records and electronic workflows for contract management based on enaio® by OPTIMAL SYSTEMS.
Logo Roman Meyer Group
Better document management, faster information flow, sustainable customer care: The company relies on the software from OPTIMAL SYSTEMS.
Logo Hahne Holding
The enaio® ECM solution is in use across the company. And the staff has already fully embraced the new system since enaio® has made processes easier.
Logo Eriks
OPTIMAL SYSTEMS partner smartPS offers a solution package for invoice processing based on enaio® that perfectly matches ERIKS’ requirements.
Logo APG | SGA
Outdoor advertising company APG|SGA AG uses software from OPTIMAL SYSTEMS as a central platform for optimizing information management.
Logo Valora
Digital Contract Management at the Valora Group – The key objectives were to standardize corporate processes and gain improved transparency as well as minimize risks with regard to contractual terms.
St. Galler Kantonalbank (SGKB) has introduced a new, efficient document management system that meets the latest requirements.
Logo Schweitzer Fachinformationen
Schweitzer Fachinformationen uses enaio® as an uniform information management platform that replaces 3 archiving systems.
Logo Maerz
Requirements for the ECM project included general adaptability and the ability to integrate with other systems – features enaio® excels at.
Logo Leonhard Moll Betonwerke
The digital project record was introduced as a central solution for managing all project information as well as correspondence and CAD documents.
Logo GVK
The National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds has introduced enaio® with the goal of setting up an information management platform.
Logo Engeser
ENGESER uses enaio® as a leading system integrated with SAP. In the process, 1.26 million legacy data were archived.
Logo Degewo
Tenant files, archive, and workflows: degewo AG has introduced the ECM software enaio® as a group-wide information management platform.
Logo BT
BT Berlin Transport GmbH expanding its ECM solution into a company-wide information hub. Long waits to obtain information are now a thing of the past.
Logo aRosa
A-ROSA uses enaio® to process incoming invoices and plans to upgrade the solution into an information management platform for the entire company.
Logo Schoeller-bleckmann
Thanks to enaio®, each of the departments now have their unique view on the document and information pool according to their needs.
Logo Ritter
ritterwerk GmbH uses the ECM solution enaio® from OPTIMAL SYSTEMS in customer service and connected the system to Microsoft Office and SAP.
Logo n-bank
Individual, high-quality consulting and customer support is one of NBank’s top priorities. This is why enaio® is used as central information platform.
A logo featuring an abstract wave design. The wave is colored in gradient hues, transitioning from red on the left, through purple in the center, to blue on the right, against a white background.
MVV is a digital pioneer and uses our ECM already for 20 years: customer and personnel records, invoice receipt, contract management and more.
Vodafone Logo
In order to improve their contract management, Kabel Deutschland was looking for a solution to implement a central contract archive. Key requirements included setting up common read access to the central contract portfolio for all departments and the definition of clear responsibilities by assigning contract owners.
Anita Logo
Anita Dr. Helbig GmbH started the ambitious project of electronically mapping almost all of the company’s document and information processes.
Logo bakom
OPTIMAL SYSTEMS’ ECM software is used by every employee at this Swiss Federal Office as their centralized system for business processing. All administrative tasks could be processed electronically as a result of the adjustment to the GEVER standard.
Panasonic Logo
The Panasonic Automotive uses enaio® for invoice processing and for quality management, primarily in the context of production documentation.
Antenne Bayern Logo
In the areas of personnel and finances, ANTENNE BAYERN relies on enaio®, which interfaces with their existing accounting software (Wilken).
Delicatessen specialist Develey switches to digital archiving and electronic document management with enaio®.
Logo ArenaOne
The company introduced our enterprise content management software enaio® to replace their digital archive.
Logo CarGarantie
CarGarantie chose enaio® to efficiently manage its vast number of international contracts. enaio® supports the entire contract creation process in CarGarantie’s legal department.
Logo Volkswagenstiftung
The introduction of an enterprise content management system was preceded by a long test phase, which was carried out with the support of ECM consultant Zöller & Partner. The Volkswagen Foundation decided to use the OPTIMAL SYTEMS ECM system to process funding records and thus relieve the burden on the departments.
Logo ProSieben Sat,.1
The decision to opt for software from OPTIMAL SYSTEMS was made following an extensive selection process. The flexibility of the software and the ability to adapt the solution to the individual requirements and needs of the media group played a major role.
Logo Edeka
EDEKA relies on ECM software from OPTIMAL SYSTEMS to optimize access to documents and information across the company and thus create new ways of tapping into the corporate knowledge pool.
Logo Feinguss Blank
Faced with a high volume of documents, FEINGUSS BLANK GmbH was quick to recognize the advantages of digital document management and opted for OPTIMAL SYSTEMS software in 1997.
Logo MSG
MVV Energie has been using OPTIMAL SYSTEMS solutions since 1998. In addition to the wide range of functions offered, a key decision factor was the ability to adapt the solution to industry-specific requirements.
Logo Meyer Logistik
Meyer Logistik uses an efficient document management system based on ECM software from OPTIMAL SYSTEMS for managing documents.
Logo Mediengruppe Pressedruck
The introduction of the various ECM solutions for personnel, project, contract, and workflow management was handled by internal IT specialists of Mediengruppe Pressedruck right from the start.
Logo Maresi
The first project implemented was an incoming invoice processing solution that supports free-form recognition. It is used to digitize and recognize approx. 25,000 invoices each year and reconcile them with third-party systems.
Logo Immanuel Diakonie Group
The non-profit wanted to introduce a modern IT infrastructure based on a central DMS for handling all information and documents arising in the clinic. Another goal was to integrate the existing IT systems and to digitally map all previously paper-based processes.
Loho Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt
The hospital has been using enaio® since 2008 and has been continuously expanding the system since then. The long-term goal is to completely eliminate media discontinuities in document transmission.
Logo Martha Maria
The Diakoniewerk has introduced the OPTIMAL SYSTEMS software as an information platform to optimize work processes.
Logo Siloking
The ECM software from OPTIMAL SYSTEMS was introduced to meet the company’s constantly increasing business requirements. The ECM system takes on the role of the central data pool and thus enables data exchange between the various applications.

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