enaio® User

The future of digital forensics

Institute for Forensic Medicine at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

  • Nationally renowned institute

  • Cooperation with Thermo Fisher Scientific

  • Scientific tradition for 300 years

The Charité logo

Digital forensic medicine with enaio® forensic lims

The Institute for Forensic Medicine of the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin looks back on a scientific tradition dating back to the 17th century. Today, the institute houses several working groups that conduct research on various topics. The Institute is also highly regarded internationally and has an excellent network.

The Institute of Forensic Medicine uses the forensic laboratory information management system of OPTIMAL SYSTEMS and replaces several individual IT solutions that were previously used for the digital information management of the forensic laboratory.

The agreement with the Charité on the use of forensic-lims was reached in 2018 within the framework of a call for tenders. The application is based on the proven enaio® technology and allows users the greatest possible freedom in designing document-based processes.

OPTIMAL SYSTEMS convinced the Charité Institute of Forensic Medicine of the performance of the software. In addition, a high degree of compatibility with forensic medical devices and procedures used in the Institute of Forensic Medicine can be guaranteed. Thermo Fisher Scientific, a global laboratory equipment provider working with the Charité, has long been a partner.

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