Create sca­la­ble con­tent-cen­tric appli­ca­tions with yuuvis® Mo­men­tum

yuuvis® Momentum is a high-performance content services platform that can manage billions of documents in your own system landscape. Thanks to a truly cloud-native technology stack, you can run it on-premises, in the private or public cloud, or in a hybrid scenario.

Intelligent content management

Cloud-native architecture

Manage billions of objects


Who benefits from yuuvis® Momentum?

CTOs and Software Architects

Your applications need to run on-premises, but still can’t do without modern cloud technology.

System Integrators

You need an archiving system that can be connected to existing applications and seamlessly integrated.


You need to tag, store, manage, process and retrieve a large amount of documents or other unstructured content.

See what you can do with yuuvis® Momentum

Isometrik: Mann steht vor großem Smartphone mit Vorhängeschloss auf dem Bildschirm, daneben stehen ein Server und ein Paragraphenzeichen

Compliance and Governance

Comply with stringent regulatory, industry, and company requirements to avoid putting your company at risk

Isometrik: Frau mit Laptop sitzt auf aufgeschlagenem Aktenordner, dahinter steht eine Reihe weiterer geschlossener Ordner


Build a modern long-term archive that integrates with your existing system landscape

Learn more about Archiving
Isometrik: Menschen stehen und sitzen bei drei Servern, über denen eine Wolke schwebt

Content Repository

Create content-centric applications that you can run on-premises, in the cloud, or in a hybrid environment

Learn more about Content Repository

How a Hybrid Document Management API Brought Back Peaceful Sleep

 (DeveloperWeek Global 2020)

New Momentum for your data

How to manage documents future-proof (Cloud Expo Europe Webinar)

Desckblatt yuuvis® Momentum Whitepaper

Want to learn more about yuuvis® Momentum?

  • Design criteria

  • Architecture

  • Schema and multitenancy

  • Document management functions

  • Archiving and integrity

  • Authentication and authorization

  • and more

The problem …

The digital transformation requires highly customized solutions to meet the needs and expectations of its users and fully exploit its benefits. Consider an email archiving solution versus one that streamlines workflows or one that focuses on analyzing, categorizing, and processing incoming documents. Each of these solutions has a completely unique set of requirements.

What they all have in common these days is the need to reliably handle an ever-increasing volume of documents in an audit-proof manner, while still ensuring performant access to vast quantities of data through a capable query language.

core services structure diagram

… and the onion approach

The layered architecture of yuuvis® Momentum consists of a core of services that is optimized to deliver the qualities mentioned above over a broad range of data quantities, as well as peripheral services that can be used to extend its capabilities as required. This approach allows to maintain peak performance for a wide variety of customized solutions.

Learn more about the core services architecture

Use Case

Flexibility and speed for process digitization

Digital Mind has been using software by OPTIMAL SYSTEMS since 2005. Edgars Stafeckis, Head of Sales, tells us which advantages result from this in the work with customers and what the greatest benefit of yuuvis® Momentum is.

SaaS Solutions

Host solutions for multiple customers in a single instance.

Managed Cloud API

Store, organize, search and retrieve any content with lightning speed.

Core Services

High availability and scalability for your application.

Client Framework

Agile development and fast time to market.

yuuvis® Momentum is software made in Germany by OPTIMAL SYSTEMS. Used on-premises, in the cloud or hybrid. We abide by the highest quality standards of state-of-the-art information management software, and our solutions are certified internationally.

Who uses yuuvis® Momentum?

Isometrik: Sitzender Mann mit Laptop vor riesigem Bildschirm mit Pflanze und Kaffeetasse daneben

100% managed, no hassle with installation or operation

S3 on steroids: you need to store, retrieve and manage documents in the cloud? Google drive is not enough for you? Do not build your own stack for your need, it is already there: use the Managed API of yuuvis® Momentum instead.

  • Store billions of documents in our system and scale effortlessly.

  • Do not leave or change your technology stack: just consume our REST API from the stack of your choice.

  • Don’t worry about document management and focus on your business idea.