Isometrik: Mann mit Laptop sitzt vor großer projizierter Weltkugel

Core Services

High avail­abil­ity and scala­bility for your appli­cation

Layered architecture: the onion approach

We adopted a layered, microservice-based product architecture. At its heart lies the yuuvis® core, a minimal set of microservices required for proper operation.

If you want to add more features and components, you can integrate them as peripheral services. This architectural feature enables you to tailor the system according to your needs.

For example, you can use the client API and frontend we provide as a peripheral service to make it easier for end users to interact with the system; you can use it to integrate a third-party workflow engine, implement a document lifecycle process, or integrate a service for digital signatures or interfaces to further third-party systems.

Learn how to install, configure, use and maintain the core system

core services structure diagram

Registry Service


Repository Service


Index and Search services




Authentication service


Other core services

Helpful resources