enaio® User

Comprehen­sive Information Management with enaio®

NBank – Investitions- und Förderbank Niedersachsen

  • 424 employees
  • Total assets worth €3.9 billion
  • Founded in 2004

Central information platform with enaio®

Individual, high-quality consulting and customer support is one of NBank’s top priorities. This requires an extraordinary amount of knowledge, which is distributed among the bank’s more than 450 employees. The constant, effective, and sustainable distribution of data and documents is therefore indispensable.

From this need arose the IDA (Information Database) project. The objective was to establish a central knowledge platform throughout the bank that enables the secure management of data and documents as well as controlling all associated processes.

One of the main project goals was to implement an interface with ABAKUS, an SAP solution specifically designed for development banks. This interface autonomously creates development records and maintains the data. In addition, documents created in ABAKUS are automatically stored in the digital records. As a key benefit, digital development records can be accessed directly from ABAKUS. The development programs are also being maintained in digital format ever since the introduction of the IDA solution. This allows every employee to access the complete development program record in its latest state during consulting.

NBank is thus well prepared for the digital future and has already started planning new ambitious projects.

A user reports - enaio® at NBank Hanover

A user reports - enaio® at NBank Hanover

What I like about enaio® is that the system is constantly evolving and you can tell that software is being developed for users.

Christian Goerries, Database developer, NBank Hannover

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