enaio® User

Transparency Through Multidimen­sional Digital Records in the Production Process

Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Technology GmbH

  • founded in 1920

  • 500 employees in Europe

  • 720,000 parts produced annually

Goals achieved: Speedy internal processes – high process integrity

Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Technology GmbH (SBO) is the world’s leading manufacturer of high-precision parts for the oilfield service industry. The focus is on non-magnetic drill string components for directional drilling. The Group furthermore produces drilling motors and drilling tools.

SBO’s knowledge of manufacturing processes and technologies is vital to the company’s success. SAP’s ERP software is the leading system in the various specialist areas of sales, procurement, financial accounting, and contract manufacturing. The supplier also operates an independent, home-grown quality system. The original challenge: While all documents created in SAP were available in digital format – including CAD drawings – they could only be searched and viewed in SAP. Also, most of the records and documents were additionally managed and archived in paper format. Due to the different filing systems and databases, it was very difficult to gain a comprehensive view of the company’s business processes.

An enterprise content management system was thus introduced to interlink information and store it digitally. The decision was made in favor of the enaio® solution platform from OPTIMAL SYSTEMS as it implements many of SBO’s requirements, such as business process management, by default.

Thanks to enaio®, each of the departments now have their unique view on the document and information pool according to their needs. For example, it is possible to display all documents relating to an order in a transparent manner, all the way from the order receipt and CAD drawings through to the delivery note. All in all, enaio® helps SBO to substantially accelerate processes and greatly improve quality. The workflows defined for the work processes further contribute to speeding up internal processes while ensuring process integrity.

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