Mädchen arbeiten an Computergehäusegirls working on computer cases

20 February 2019

The Future Is Female:
Girls’ Day 2019

Companies throughout Germany will once more open their doors to girls who want to find out more about careers related to STEM subjects on 28 March 2019. Girls’ Day is regarded as the world’s largest project for career guidance oriented towards schoolgirls.

On Girls’ Day at OPTIMAL SYSTEMS, the young researchers and inventors of the future will gain an insight into everyday working life in the software industry. They will be supervised by our training officer, Cora Mews, and our trainees themselves, who have put together an exciting program to introduce them to the variety of tasks carried out by different trainees.

Between printed circuit boards, processors, and pizza

We will offer insights into what it’s like to work as a software developer, stage a roleplay based on a systems consultancy trainee’s work, and give them an introduction to the IT specialist department at the different stations we have set up. They will need to work together as a team to assemble a computer or work on advertising, for example.

There will also be an opportunity to get to know each other better while playing foosball or games on the Wii, and at lunch we’ll eat pizza together.

Would you like to attend Girls’ Day 2019? Then sign up here!
But please note: Spaces are limited, and this event is recommended for girls aged ten years and up.

Winkende Mädchen beim Girl's Day von OPTIMAL SYSTEMS
Over the last few years, Girls’ Day has wowed many schoolgirls.

Do you have any further questions?