Eine Gruppe von Geschäftsleuten, die auf ein Tablet schauenEine Gruppe von Geschäftsleuten, die auf ein Tablet schauen.

3 January 2024

New Study: Has Digitization Made its Way into HR?

Digitization is the “megatopic of the coming years” – at least according to CDU/CSU parliamentary group leader Volker Kauder. We, at OPTIMAL SYSTEMS, are pleased about this, even if the choice of wording “of the coming years” is somewhat surprising. After all, the implementation of the digital revolution has been routine business at OPTIMAL SYSTEMS for more than 25 years.

So what is the actual state of affairs in German offices and companies when it comes to digitization? The recent “Recruiting Trends” study by Staufenbiel highlights a small but exciting aspect of the corporate world: the recruiting and human resources department.

Making a start

Four out of ten companies do not use a software solution to manage application processes. In many offices, letters are still opened daily, e-mails are printed, and photos are attached to paper with paper clips.

And even the slim majority of companies that already uses a digital solution doesn’t always do so consistently. The main function – document management – is used almost everywhere. However, more advanced functions, such as combining unsuccessful applicants into a talent pool (50%) or linking up the onboarding process directly (36%), are still used all too rarely. A migration of the previous work processes to digital processes can often be observed, but rarely an integrated “digital first” strategy.

Areas of implementation of the application management solution (multiple answers possible)
Four out of ten companies still do not use
software to manage applications.

Trend towards working from home

The topic of “mobile working” or home office is also inextricably linked to the topic of digitization. After all, a lot of infrastructure is required to ensure you can work comfortably from home: from the optical fiber that brings the data into the home to the software that ensures consistency and security when working digitally.

Companies have recognized this trend: 70% of the companies surveyed estimate that the option to work remotely is “important” or “very important” for applicants – only flexible working hours are considered to be an even more important topic. Much has already been done in terms of implementation. For example, almost three out of four companies state that they offer their employees the option to work from home – but they never asked their employees whether their home Internet connections were fast enough for comfortable use.

The job interview is a big part of it: this is how staff make contact with applicants.

Even though many companies have recognized the spirit of the times and are proactively tackling the challenges of digitization, a great deal of potential still remains untapped. A “digital first” strategy with comprehensive integration of electronic workflows has so far been an exception in human resources. Sooner or later, most companies won’t be able to avoid making their processes more and more flexible through the use of computers and taking an integrated approach to digital strategies.

Do you have any further questions?