Cost reduction, a significant improvement in quality and increased efficiency are the results of the clinic-wide use of enaio®.
Wilhelm Brokfeld, Head of administration, Klinik Münsterland der DRV Westfalen
Solution: Digital patient records with enaio®
The electronic patient file is used in both the medical and administrative areas. enaio® bundles administrative data and medical findings in the same context – so the advantages benefit both areas.
Moreover, enaio® is characterised by a very distinctive interface strength. A connection to HIS, RIS/PACS and laboratory systems is just one of many possibilities, as is the integration of office or ERP applications or referral portals and MDK solutions.
between specialized applications. Clinic-wide availability of information.
of all existing patient data and documents.
to specialist applications and medical subsystems such as HIS, PACS, ERP etc.
How was the progression of the sickness? Which medication does the patient receive? Where can the laboratory data be found? Treating physicians obtain a complete overview of the patient in the shortest possible time – in the sense of targeted treatment.
With the enaio® digital patient record, hospitals benefit from the reduction in administrative costs. Medical data and contents are immediately available, both inpatient and outpatient treatment processes are documented transparently and comprehensibly. No healthcare-related information is lost from diagnosis to subsequent treatment of the patient.
The integration of enaio® into numerous specialist applications in the medical field is guaranteed by appropriate interfaces.
Individually customizable electronic patient records
Audit-proof archiving of all patient data and documents
Can be used both interoperably in the medical field and cross-departmentally in administration
Proven interface capability to specialist applications and medical subsystems such as HIS, PACS, ERP, etc.
The digital dictation tool, combined with electronic speech recognition in the enaio® solution for rehabilitation clinics, has proven particularly useful for the Münsterland Clinic in Bad Rothenfelde as it helps to save a lot of time.