Isometrik: Mann arbeitet an einem Laptop an einem grauen Tisch, darüber schweben rosa Icons

yuuvis® RAD for Users

More time for important tasks and better col­lab­o­ration

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Documents are stored in various locations, and you spend several hours each day just looking for the right information.

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There are too many versions of documents scattered across different servers and folders. Making sure you’re working with the correct version takes a lot of time.

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It’s difficult to know who is working on what at any given time, let alone if a colleague is away on vacation.

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You often need to ask colleagues about a process status or the latest version of a document. It feels inefficient and uncomfortable to bother them with that sort of question.

Here’s how yuuvis® RAD can help

Single source of truth and the power of work­flows

You know exactly where to look for the information you need. The appealing and easy-to-use web client simplifies working with documents and other content. Processes are more effective, faster and better organized than ever.

Learn more about Workflows
Isometrik: 4 sitzende Personen mit Laptops, die mit einer Dokumenten-Box in der Mitte verbunden sind
Isometrik: 3 Personen stehen vor riesigem Bildschirm mit Daten, auf den eine große Lupe gerichtet ist

Search powered by metadata and full text indexing

Metadata is data that describes the properties and values of a business object in yuuvis® RAD. Via this metadata, business objects can be stored, retrieved, and identified securely and quickly in the yuuvis® RAD classification system.

When you search for a document, you have different options:

  • The global search looks for the search term in an object’s metadata or the text of a document file.

  • You search using search parameters in the specific metadata fields of an object type. You can find business objects in this way if you know how they are indexed.

  • You search for business objects by using properties that the yuuvis® RAD client saves to business objects automatically, such as creation date, modification date, creator, editor, and so on.

Integrations with MS Office and Outlook

The yuuvis® RAD client is compatible with Microsoft Office applications and Outlook. For example, newly created Office documents can be saved directly into yuuvis® RAD via the yuuvis® RAD Office Add-In. Documents created in yuuvis® RAD can be opened directly in Office applications with a mouse click using the yuuvis® RAD agent and the yuuvis® RAD Office Add-In, and they can be saved and checked in again directly in yuuvis® RAD when closed.

Isometrik: Smartphone, über dem 3 Puzzleteile mit Outlook-Symbol, RAD-Schriftzug und Office-Symbol schweben
Isometrik: Eine Reihe von Dokumenten in einem rosa, semidurchsichtigen Kasten

History makes document editing transparent

The version history of a document keeps track of any changes. This makes it clear who is in charge and what changes have been made. The result is full transparency for users at the time of editing as well as long-term compliance with regulations.

See what you can do with yuuvis® RAD

Isometrik: Stehender Mann scannt großes Dokument mit einem Handscanner


Efficiently digitize paper documents to keep knowledge and data safe and easily available

Isometrik: 3 Personen stehen vor einem riesigen Bildschirm, auf den eine große Lupe gerichtet ist

Content Management

Digitize, organize and secure knowledge across your organization for better efficiency and compliance

Learn more about Content Management
Isometrik: Frau mit Laptop sitzt auf großem aufgeschlagenem Ordner

Archiving Solutions

Ensure compliance and reduce costs through digital archiving

Learn more about Archiving Solutions