Isometrik: Stehender Mann scannt großes Dokument mit einem Handscanner

Was können Sie mit yuuvis® RAD machen?

Document Capture

Efficiently digitize paper documents to keep knowledge and data safe and easily available

From paper piles …

Many organizations continue to struggle with mountains of paper. These can be legacy documents that must be kept for compliance purposes. Or it is documents that are created as part of day-to-day business operations.

Isometrik: Mann sitzt mit Smartphone vor einem riesigen Papierstapel
Isometrik: Dokumente in einer rosa Box mit seitlich verbundenen Metadaten-Anzeigen

… to digital files

Paper documents can be easily captured and classified digitally using yuuvis® RAD. To begin, OCR makes the entire content searchable. The metadata is then automatically extracted and assigned.

The benefits of this approach:

  • It significantly reduces manual effort.

  • It allows documents to be used effectively to automate or streamline business processes while maintaining consistency and compliance with regulations.

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Respond to cost-cutting pressures by digitizing paper documents, which will significantly reduce storage space and facility costs.

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Reduce throughput times

Batch processing of scanned documents, automatic metadata extraction and classification minimize manual effort and errors during filing.

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Improve accessibility

Reduce the time needed to find information. Digital documents are immediately accessible and searchable from anywhere at any time.

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Ensure compliance

Avoid legal issues and satisfy strict regulatory or industry or company requirements.

More use cases

Isometrik: Drei Personen stehen vor einem riesigen Bildschirm, auf den eine Lupe gerichtet ist

Content Management

Digitize, organize and secure knowledge across your organization for better efficiency and compliance

Learn more about Content Management
Isometrik: Frau mit Laptop sitzt auf großem aufgeschlagenem Ordner

Archiving Solutions

Ensure compliance and reduce costs through digital archiving

Learn more about Archiving Solutions