Solution: Integrating enaio® into image archives (PACS)

Manage hospitals optimally

Integrate enaio® into PACS

enaio® works together with existing PACS (Picture Archiving & Communication Systems) and offers a wide range of options for image capture, image management and long-term archiving.

Whether cardiology, trauma surgery, anaesthesia, in the laboratory or in physiotherapy: With the combination of PACS with enaio®, image data of any medical device used in medical diagnostics and imaging procedures can be centrally processed, categorized and archived. Workflows allow the targeted transfer of information to other specialist departments or physicians. Clinics benefit from faster administrative processes and shorter communication channels, while the digital system also has a positive effect on patient care and length of stay.

  • Increasing the efficiency of work processes and results
  • Optimized exchange of patient data between departments
  • High data security thanks to encryption technologies
  • Saving material and space using digital archiving
Modified Description: A diagram showcasing the integration of PACS within the ecuuos platform.
enaio® for the medical environment
Data management from a single source, linked across all departments

Image capture, image management and archiving

For radiology, microbiology, cardiology and much more

A PACS can store the entire collection of all the image information that is generated during an examination. First and foremost, employees are interested in the diagnosis and only want to view the relevant diagnostic image in selected cases. The quality of the images does not have to be as high as in the PACS.

The images are therefore imported in enaio® with a lower resolution or compressed together with the diagnoses, automatically indexed and stored in the right place. At the same time, a reference to the original files can be stored so that they can be visualized regarding a specific case or patient in the PACS.

  • Interfaces for the xDT standards, receiving messages for patient admission, transfer and discharge (ADT)

  • Import of mass or spool data (COLD)

  • Connection to third-party software, e.g. KODIP®, ID DIACOS® etc.

  • DICOM and HL7 interfaces

  • Certified interface to many ERP systems, e.g. SAP

  • Connection to HIS solutions of leading manufacturers

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