Solution: Implementing digital personnel records with enaio®

Managing Everything:
From Applications to Vacation Requests

Information at a glance with the enaio® personnel record

enaio® from OPTIMAL SYSTEMS supports the human resources departments of your company by providing flexible enterprise information management technology.

An essential component is the digital personnel record: It bundles all employee information in a central repository and allows for secure access to the desired documents at any time and from any location. Comprehensive automation and workflow functions ensure intelligent control of your document management processes.

enaio®’s extensive applicant management functions facilitate recurring tasks in the recruiting process. This includes writing the job advertisement using an individually adaptable qualification catalog and matching based on automated target/actual comparison of the applicant profiles.

  • Bundles all employee documents in one place in an audit-proof manner

  • Makes personnel-relevant information visible at a glance

  • Accelerates personnel processes through automation and workflows

  • Delivers convenient data exchange thanks to flexible HR system interfaces

Direct access

The bundling of all employee-specific information in one system enables access to all data.

From E-Mail Workflows to Template Administration

How customers use the digital personnel record

Convenient processes for handling electronic mail? That’s what you get with enaio®. The solution ensures the automatic assignment of e-mails in the corresponding business context and thus prevents the redundant storage of e-mails or attachments. All e-mails about a person or a process are available at the push of a button – regardless of which workstation is being used. In the context of job postings, e-mails can trigger workflows (e.g., application, hiring, or job ticket workflows).

An automated inbox with enaio®

The human resources department further benefits from our ECM solution as the automated inbox automatically captures, indexes, and stores documents in the correct personnel record.

The options for template and form administration in enaio® support you in personnel administration and ensure that all authorized employees always work with the latest document versions, e.g., for applications, certificates, data protection declaration, personnel forms, and approvals.

More than 2,000 enaio® customers – that’s one of them


In the areas of personnel and finances, ANTENNE BAYERN relies on enaio®, which interfaces with their existing accounting software (Wilken).

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