Eine Straße in Leipzig

SAP Competence in Leipzig

The world speaks SAP – enaio® too

Das SAP-Logo auf schwarzem Hintergrund.

The OPTIMAL SYSTEMS Solutions Center in Leipzig specializes in the perfect ECM solution for your SAP project.

Important functional areas are not mapped by SAP. SAP therefore offers a certified archive interface with which documents, data and documents can be outsourced. enaio® extends SAP by ECM functions with which various archiving and document management scenarios are supported.

OPTIMAL SYSTEMS has been an SAP partner since 1998 and has its own SAP Solutions Center. The integration of process and document management is the logical step for everyone who wants to exploit their digital potential. Organize documents and processes better than ever before. With enaio® and SAP® you have it in your hands.

The Latest News from OPTIMAL SYSTEMS

We’ll keep you on the edge of your seat: Meet with us and learn about key future topics.

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DMS and Collaboration: the Best of both Worlds

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Document management and AI: a perfect match?

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DMS vs. ECM: What is managed here?

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