A female scientist working in a laboratory.

24 June 2020

OPTIMAL SYSTEMS is an EU research project partner

As a PCP partner, OPTIMAL SYSTEMS Jena participates in the development of new forensic tools as part of the EU “SHUTTLE” program.

The objective: Automated forensics made in EU

“SHUTTLE” stands for “Scientific High-throughput and Unified Toolkit for Trace analysis by forensic Laboratories in Europe”. The program aims to advance two main aspects of forensic microtrace analysis. On the one hand, analyses are subjective and require a high level of expertise and training of auditors. SHUTTLE intends to make analyses more objective as well as scientific. On the other hand, micro trace evidence analysis is time-consuming and consequently expensive. This restricts the number of cases in which analyses can be performed. The SHUTTLE toolkit will allow a more efficient workflow while providing more objective results. Additionally, national and international data exchange is expected to improve.

OPTIMAL SYSTEMS Jena has been an expert in the field of digital laboratory management for many years. The software solution enaio® lims is used by hospitals, forensic institutes, and state police forces. As part of the “SHUTTLE AG Toolkit Jena”, OPTIMAL SYSTEMS is one of three consortia of companies which have been invited to present a detailed device concept each.

Among the organizers of the SHUTTLE project are eight large forensic laboratories from all over Europe. They commission companies to develop this project.

5 countries, 8 partners and 10.5 million euros

SHUTTLE focuses on the development and validation of an automated instrument system which optically analyses and identifies micro traces in high-throughput. It is designed, for example, to characterize particles or, in the case of fibers, to determine the material. Throughout the entire work process, no human intervention is required. After the identification, images, spectra, and data analysis results are available for each particle.

With a budget of 10.5 million euros, the project was initiated by the European research funding initiative “Horizon 2020”.

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