Seated audience at an event

6 March 2019

#FAV 2019: Are you “Agile Native”?

Great interest, active participation, exciting workshops and lectures: The conference Agile Administration 2019 gave new impulses to the discussion about the authority of the future.

The event on 21 February 2019 in Ettlingen near Karlsruhe was the third conference of its kind. The 130 participants from administration, industry and science examined the topic of agility from different perspectives. Again and again, it was important to clarify the issue precisely: What does agile actually mean? And what are the possibilities and limits of agility in day-to-day work?

How normal is agile thinking?

Among other things, two worlds met: public administration and creative industries. The aim was to jointly identify bureaucratic routines and develop possible solutions in collaborative interaction formats.

For the first time in the history of the forum the contributions were recorded and can be streamed here. Now delve into the highly topical topic and find out whether you yourself belong to the “Agile Natives”.

Still analogue: The tool for the participant survey.

Do you have any further questions?